Monday, October 11, 2010

I think of you in colours that don't exist

I have ventured into cards which are lots of fun to make!
Loving the bright summery colours (pity it's not feeling like summer here right now).

Sneak peek at a work in progress.

I've also taken to just cutting out beautiful words when I need inspiration.


  1. hey Trudy! I really like the words on book pages, very inspirational.

  2. I like, I like. I also like how you identify yourself as clumsy and dramatic in the about me field, when the work here is done with SHARP KNIFE THINGS.

  3. How come my other comment didn't print? how do these things work?

  4. Thanks Morgan!

    Yeh I know Brade, and I haven't cut myself once! (I have now jinxed myself)

    Anonymous - I'm not sure what you are asking.
