Monday, February 7, 2011

Inspired and excited

I had a really great weekend full of friends, markets and lots of sun and heat.
It was a scorcher in Brisbane and I spent two days sitting in the sun hawking my wares.

Friday was a fantastic day at Laneway.
My goods for sale.

Seeing if anything has melted in the sun. Direct sunlight for 4 hours in Brisbane Summer is not good for photos.

Two Door Cinema Club. So freaking awesome.

My festival buddy.

Great way to keep cool in the heat!

Yesterday was the first Sunday of the month so we grabbed our suitcases and headed into the city for Suitcase Rummage. Despite the heat (again) and a pretty decent hangover, I had a lovely day chilling with good friends. I managed to spend most of my profits during the day but that's part of what I love about rummage.

Looking forward to next month!

All for the puppies!

I've received an exciting email this evening about future prospects for my art and I will share once I know more. Positive feedback always inspires!


  1. love all of it. you are so darn inspiring to me. exciting emails are THE best! can't wait to hear more. love you tart. XXX
