Mariko is Sarah's ex-housemate and a pretty talented girl. She has an awesome fashion blog and did a little post about Sarah's amazing fashion sense and what a great team we make when it comes to photography.
Tom is next to me playing air guitar to The Killers and I have been journalling on a relaxing Monday night.
I'm really enjoying going back through my journal and really building each page up. I don't work in any sort of linear fashion - the pages are added to as I decide they need something else and there is no date order when I do decide to add some personal journalling. I'm certainly not a structured artist!
My current favourite journalling material - cute sticky tape!
I have put together a few pieces of papercutting to sell at Suitcase Rummage at King George Sq next Sunday 3rd October.
Very interested to see how they fare at rummage and the reaction I get for them. I really love doing these and have lots of plans for more. I use all recycled materials - old wallpaper, paper from Reverse Garbage and all frames from op-shops / second hand stores. I'm always on the lookout for gorgeous old frames!
Welcome to my new creative space! I am attempting to be as prolific as I can at the moment and I decided it was about time that I created an online space specifically for my art.
I hope you enjoy the journey as I learn and create and leave me some loving if you visit please!