Tom and I have been holed up in our little infected cave all week trying to keep the fevers at bay and look after each other.
Last weekend Lisa, Kiel, Tom and I went to Canberra for a long weekend to celebrate Laura's (Tom and Lisa's mum) 60th as well as meet baby Ella.
Sunday morning, just as we were heading to the airport to come home; Kiel and I both developed nasty coughs which by the time we got home turned into fever, body aches and general unpleasantness.
Tom and Lisa have since both got sick so this little virus sure liked to spread itself around.
At least we had a great weekend in Canberra to show for it.
Tom and I stayed with his godparents who were wonderful, charming and generous hosts.

Lunch on the deck. I sat here for about 12 hours Friday and didn't move from lunch through to dinner and drinks.

Amazing space.

She is a beautiful baby girl who is full of smiles and very peaceful and happy.