Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
I had a relaxing 4 days off work with lots of family time, resting, food and cuddles. There was of course the obligatory accident. They call me clum for a reason. A knife in the foot took me off kitchen duty for awhile and is still giving me some grief.

We spent Christmas day at Tom's sisters house with almost all of our immediate families including a surprise visit from my brother and his girlfriend.
Only Tom's mum, his brother and his brothers girlfriend were missing as they stayed in Canberra. Lara is weeks away from having a baby so they spent Christmas together. New baby coming soon!

Mum made us play a game where we attached a word to ourselves that we weren't allowed to say and if someone else caught us saying it they got our chocolate. I was out pretty fast but not as fast as Mum.

I bought Mum a mug from T2 that she loved and posed for a few photos with.

It was really nice to spend the day with all our special people. Christmas isn't always easy for everyone and in no way are our families perfect but we make it work and there was definitely a lot of love in the air.